Google, why you do this?? You actually want:
Account Load Delay in Seconds
Delay between account load times when contacting Deca servers.
Characters Displayed per Row
The maximum numbers of characters to be displayed in on the webpage per row.
Display Errors
Display error messages when encountered.
Export Default Mode
What export mode to utilize if you click the Export button without selecting a format.
Gift Chests Width
Numbers of gift chests to display per row.
One Click Login
Whether or not to enable One Click Login mode.
Page Search
Format to display page search: Full width, shortened, or off.
Totals Display Width
Number of items to display per row in totals. Whole screen automatically adjusts to current size of the browser window.
Totals Export Width
Number of items to display per row in totals when exporting an image.
SetupTools Enabled
Whether or not to utilize SetupTools features or fallback on the traditional accounts.js format.
Setting this to Automatic will determine the value based on number of enabled accounts.
Muledump Local only
Accounts Displayed per Page
Number of accounts to display per page in UI managers.
Alert on New Version
Whether or not to display a notice on a new version or patch release.
Muledump Online only
Warning: This setting might get ignored by your browser making the setting useless.
Automatically Reload Account Data
Whether or not accounts set to Automatic Reload will execute the action.
Bad Account Actions
How to handle bad accounts (invalid credentials, banned).
Groups Manager Mode
Which mode Groups Manager is running in. Possible modes are:
Groups Manager configuration is not loaded.
Groups Manager accounts are merged with their order preserved
Example: [a, b, c] + [d, e, f] + [g, h, i] = [a, d, g, b, e, h, c, f, i]
Groups Manager accounts are merged with their order arranged by overall order
Example: [a, b, c] + [d, e, f] + [g, h, i] = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i]
Maximum Backups in Local Storage
SetupTools stores backups in your browser’s local storage. This utilizes disk space on your computer. This feature limits the maximum number of exposed backups to keep before auto-deleting the oldest.
Whether or not to display all animations, reduced animations, or minimal animations.
Automatic Backups
Automatically create daily backups of your configuration stored in browser local storage.
Auto Complete for Password Managers
When disabled this prevents passwords managers from interfering with username and password fields.
Debug Logging
Whether or not to output the debug logs to the browser console.
Equipment Silhouettes
Whether or not to display equipment silhouettes in empty slots.
Hide Muledump Version Text
Hides the Jakcodex / Muledump v1.2.3
text in the Muledump header.
Key Bindings
Sets which key map to use for hotkeys. Offers Windows and MacOS key maps.
Lazily Save Minor Config Changes
Length of time between lazySave requests (to reduce storage write volume on auto saving features).
Longpress Length in Seconds
Length of time that a long left click takes to activate.
Low Storage Space Check
Whether or not to warn you if browser storage space is running out.
Mule Menu
Whether or not to display the Mule Menu icon on mules.
Menu Position
Position of the Muledump menu.
Prevent Auto Download
When downloading data from SetupTools, this feature prevents you from accidentally downloading a backup of sensitive account information to your Downloads folder.
Record Console History
Records the Muledump debug log and keeps a specified number of entries.
Storage Compression
Whether or not to use SetupTools Compression to reduce size of data stored in browser storage.
Time Synchronize
Whether or not to check if your computer clock’s time is correct.
Use Smart Layout
Whether or not to use Masonry to generate the page layout.
Account Assistant
Displays an assistant when account issues are detected (TOS, migration, age verification).
Backup Assistant
Displays a reminder to download a backup if a certain period of time has gone by since last download.
CORS Assistant
Displays an assistant to help resolve CORS problems when they are detected.
Clothing Tooltip Assistant
Whether or not to show the character clothing and dye information panel.
Items Tooltip Assistant
Whether or not to show the item information panel.
XP Boosters Tooltip Assistant
Whether or not to show the XP Boosters information panel.
Enable Analytics
Master on/off switch for Usage Analytics.
Activity Ping
Activity ping tells analytics Muledump is running.
Errors and Bugs
The types of errors and bugs encountered.
Options and Features
The options and features that are being used.
Reset Muledump Options
Erases current options and resets it to the default Muledump options.
Erase Account Data Cache
Erases all cached account data for Muledump. Useful when account data appears to be bad.
Erase Secondary Cache
Erases all secondary cache data generated by SetupTools (e.g. totals cache).
Erase SetupTools
Erases all SetupTools-specific configuration and restores Muledump to its original state.
Erase All Data
Erases all Muledump data including SetupTools, options, accounts, groups, backups, etc.
Reset to Default Settings
Restore all settings to the default SetupTools configuration.